Mešani pevski zbor Danica, Austria (2024)
On behalf of the singers, our cultural association and of course our choir director, Mr Stanko Polzer, I would like to thank you and the whole team once again. In addition to the musical success we were able to celebrate, we would especially like to thank you for the professional and cordial organisation of your choir competition.
Especially the opening concert with songs from all participating countries or the musical farewell event (dance) gave the competition an extremely human and warm touch and our choir particularly enjoyed it.
We will always have fond memories of these days in golden Prague.
Sara Ouschan
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Gradski zbor Brodosplit, Croatia (2024)
It was a pleasure and honor to be the part of Praga Cantat 2024 and we hope that you are satisfied as well with festival. Sadly everything finished so fast so next time we have to stay and experience beautiful Prague a few days more.
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Killaloe Male Voice Choir, Ireland (2024)
Dear Mr. Zicha and Mr. Petrdlik,
On behalf of all my choir colleagues and our music director, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for allowing us to participate and compete in the outstanding 35th Annual International Praga Cantat Choral Festival. We are still thrilled about the experience! The opportunity to see exceptional performances and to meet some wonderful choirs from such a diverse international background was truly unique and we are sure will inspire us to continue to grow as a choir and as performers. We have already begun to build relationships with one or two other choirs we’ve met, and we hope they will lead to future interactions and lasting friendships.
The organisation and running of the whole weekend is to be commended – we were well looked after and the management of the complex logistics was excellent. Please pass on our thanks to all the organisers, staff and volunteers who were involved in making the event run so well. The festival venue was beautiful, both the National House in Vinohrady with its beautiful lounges and halls; as were the surroundings. We all had a very enjoyable time in the very beautiful and welcoming city of Prague. In addition to the attention and judgment of the international jury in the competition categories, the open, honest and constructive feedback that Mr. Petrdlík and Mrs. Fadljevičová gave us after our performance in the “Festival” category was especially valuable to us. We will try to take this into consideration and move forward as a choir.
Finally, we must praise the extraordinary opening performance, which we all enjoyed immensely. We appreciate the many hours of hard work that the Cancioneta Praga choir and its leaders must have put in to make such a wonderful performance look so effortless and fun. Bravo! Thank you again to you and your team for making us so welcome and for giving us the opportunity to take part in such an amazing and inspiring festival.
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Coro Montalbo, Italy – Sardegna (2023)
I complimenti dell’Associazione Culturale Coro Montalbo Siniscola vanno a tutta l’Organizzazione di Praga Cantat, sono stati semplicemente Meravigliosi!
Tutto ha funzionato alla perfezione, Dalla macchina organizzativa, all’accoglienza di corali da tutte le parti del monto, alla professionalità della Giuria.
Come l’Orologio Astronomico della Città Vecchia………tutto meraviglioso!
The compliments of the Cultural Association Coro Montalbo Siniscola go to the entire organisation of Praga Cantat, they were simply marvellous! Everything worked perfectly, from the organisational machine, to the reception of choirs from all over the world, to the professionalism of the Jury.
Like the Astronomical Clock in the Old Town………everything was wonderful!
Thank you!
Coro Montalbo
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Inseneride Meeskoor, Estonia (2023)
Dear Jaroslav,
I´m happy to say, that everything worked out very well. I’m glad we decided to take the addittional program elements, that all the choir members liked a lot. The Jazz-boat was a real highlight – good food, best local wines and a very nice band to meet our taste. The folklore personal was nice and the performers did their best to entertain us, so another experience worthwile taking. We did like really much both castle tours, especially because of the guides, who were both extremely professional and experienced.
I think festival was professionally organised and it was easy to communicate with you. It may be in the beginning of preparation not so easy to get the answers from group members to decide about program elements, but you were patient with us and I think our communication was smooth. Festival program was interesting and rewarding. The opening concert was fun with very professional performance at the same time. I think much of the festival experience came from the chance to listen to other participants’ performance, especially the 2 outstanding Indonesian choirs. The venue was nice and acoustically also a good place to perform.
Please forward our greetings to Eva, our guardian for first 2 days. We’re grateful she took her time to be with us!
Enn Vilgo
Inseneride Meeskoor
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Riga Chamber Choir, Latvia (2023)
Your festival team was very friendly, it was really great to be at the festival venue. we loved it! I had so much fun with my friends and made new ones! The music at the festival was great, awesome, with brilliant choirs. The opening concert was excellent, great quality and heart-warming greetings to the participants. Our hotel was amazing and very enjoyable, good location, good breakfast. The guide was very, very sweet and told us many facts.
Irina Svarcbaha
Riga Chamber Choir
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Chamber choir of Palanga, Lithuania (2018)
Hello again,
We would like to say a huge thank you for the best emotions, breathtaking experiences by participating in PRAGA CANTAT 2018. We are still full of joy because of this festival.
Thank you for the perfect organisation, perfect hotel staff. Also, we would like to say the best words about wise guide Piotr. Commission words, achievements, the possibility to meet choirs from different countries, beautiful concert halls, breathtaking Praha enriched us, added new experiences.
We are really happy because of this experience. The best memories and words for you from Chamber choir of Palanga. We are full of happiness.
Warm greetings from Palanga,
Edmundas Jucevicius,
Chamber choir of Palanga.
Paduan Suara Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia (2018)
Hello! Good morning from Jakarta.
It was a really gold experience for us to join this competition! And also it was such as dreams come true for us to can landed safely in Europe and enjoy the city of Prague. I really wanna say thanks a lot for you and all the event committee. Hope we’ll be join this competition soon.
Best Regards
Putu Diah Utari (Ms)
Paduan Suara Universitas Pancasila
A Chamber Choir Raskila and Lina, Lithuania (2018)
Dear ladies!
We want to thank you for festival, for our great time in Prague. It’ s a pity that we met very short time. We wish you nice autum and winter and great projects in future!
A Chamber Choir Raskila and Lina
Učiteljski pevski zbor Slovenije Emil Adamič, Slovenija (2017)
Dear Alexandra,
We spent great festival days in Prague. Thank you. And we’ll bear Prague in mind when creating our plans for future.
Best regards,
Janez Kukovica
Neuer Kammerchor Berlin, Germany (2017)
Dear ladies,
we had a wonderful time in Prague and enjoyed participating in the Praga Cantat so much! We were completely satisfied and felt warmly welcomed, especially through our lovely guide Magdalena who made it very easy for us to orientate, feel home and safe. Every detail was well-organized throughout our stay! Even our hotel was in walking distance to the National House which was perfect. Further, the great opening concert was so much fun and we were deeply impressed by the choir performing in so many languages with such a great deal of fun! Another special moment was the singing of the compulsory piece – in our case „Napadly pisne“ – with all the other participating choirs. We got to know many people from different countries and felt that winning was not the most important goal but making new friends and experiences was even more vital. Thank you again for this 100%-well-organised event!!!
Sarah Boese
The mixed choir of Riga Cathedral Choir School, Latvia (2017)
Dear Alexandra and Jana,
Thank you for organizing the festival. We enjoyed the friendly atmosphere of the festival and the performances of choirs. This has been an amazing and useful experience for our choir, as it was the first choir competition they participated in. Thank you for welcoming us in the beautiful city of Prague!
Aleksandra Āboliņa and Jurģis Cābulis
The Girls Choir Cantabila PSM Olsztyn, Poland (2017)
Dear Alexandra, dear Jana,
I congratulate the wonderful organization 31 “Prague Cantat”. The Cantabile Choir spent a great time during the competition and during the tour of such a charming city !!!!!!
Agata Wilinska
Gloria, Russia (2017)
Dear Alexandra, We have come back home. We would like to thank you for your hospitality and perfect organozation of your wonderful choral event. We wish you further development and success. Also we hope for the further creative collaboration. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Helena, Natalia, Anna
Academic choir Podlipki, Russia (2017)
Dear Alexandra,
we had really good time in Europe, and especially we enjoyed every minute spent on Praga Cantat, with its rich program, inspiring opening concert and wonderful atmosphere. We are very grateful to you and Jana for hearty welcome, warm attidude and support. It was also a real pleasure to listen to remarkable performances of high-level choirs, we are very glad that we had this opportunity.
Thank you and all your team!
Best wishes
Sankta Sunniva Kammerkor, Norway (2016)
Dear Jana and Alexandra.
What a great festival. My choir was so happy with everything and we went back home very inspired.
Very nice choirs in the grand prix!!
Tore Kloster
Contrapunto Chamber Choir, Hungary (2016)
Dear Alexandra.
I would like to tell you how thankful we are for the opportunity to take part in your wonderful event. We enjoyed every moment of it. The venue was magnificent and the organization was excellent. We had a great time with our guide who was very kind and helpful, and of course Prague is an amazing city.
Thank you very much again and I wish you and all the others a wonderful rest after all the hard work.
Best regards,
Marton Jakobey
UiTM Chamber Choir, University Technology MARA, Malaysia (2016)
Dear Alexandra.
Hi. We are having great time here. Thank you for your wonderful event.
Dr. Masashi Kishimoto
Omnia, Žilinská univerzita, Slovensko (2016)
Príjemný deň,
veľmi pekne ďakujeme za príležitosť zúčastniť sa na festivale. Odnášame si veľa krásnych spomienok zážitkov a inšpirácie do budúcnosti.
Veľa úspechov v osobnom aj pracovnom živote.
S pozdravom
B. Schubert
Have a nice day,
thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in the festival. We will take away many wonderful memories of the experience and inspiration for the future.
Lots of success in your personal and professional life.
Yours sincerely
B. Schubert
Diponegoro University Choir, Indonesia (2016)
Dear Jana,
At first, we want to say a lot of thank you for the warm greetings and treatment for our team on Praga Cantat. We were really enjoyed the competition and the Praga city. I hope we will meet again in another chance.
Fadhilah Pandanarum
Männerchor Frohsinn 1866 Bad Soden (2015)
Dear friends,
I would like to take the chance to say thank you to you on behalf of all our singers and accompanies. You did such a great job for us! And everything was extremely well organized.
All participants felt very well; the hotel was just the right one, the location of the competition was a dream and last but not least we enjoyed the famous atmosphere of Prague. You should be very proud of yourself and from our point of view you have to receive the gold medal for organizing Praga Cantat.
With best regards
Stefan Zengerle
Chorforum Eintracht Langenselbold e.V. (2015)
Hallo liebe Frau Košlerová,
herzlichen Dank für die gesamt Top-Organisation und Unterstützung. Es war wirklich ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit großartigen Chören und einer tollen und freundschaftlichen Atmosphäre. Unsere Auszeichnungen, besonders der Sonderpreis für das Wettbewerbsprogramm, setzen dem ganzen natürlich noch die Krone auf! Die Begeisterung und Freude sind bei uns allen sehr groß und dieser Erfolg wird uns auf jeden Fall noch lange beflügeln! Darüber hinaus war die Betreuung durch Frau Sinecka bestens und sehr professionell! Danke, herzliche Grüße und auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen!
Michael Hintz
Dear Mrs Košlerová,
Thank you very much for all the top organisation and support. It was really an unforgettable experience with great choirs and a great and friendly atmosphere. Our awards, especially the special prize for the competition programme, of course put the crown on the whole thing! The enthusiasm and joy are very great among all of us and this success will definitely inspire us for a long time to come! Furthermore, the supervision by Mrs. Sinecka was excellent and very professional! Thank you, best regards and we look forward to seeing you again soon!
Michael Hintz
Mvs “Nešpula” Pula, Croatia (2015)
Dear ladies,
thank you for writing us. We also wanted to write you and inform you that we had a great time in Prague during our stay. The organisation was really good, everyone was kind with us and wanted to help us with different information. We really didn’t have any problem with the organisation. Our guide Mrs Sladka was excellent, we enjoyed listening her and be with her during our stay. She is also very funny! We also hope to return in Prague!
Kind regards and we wish you a lot of succes for the future festivals!
Mvs “Nešpula”
Pula, Croatia
Dekliški pevski zbor Aglaja, Slovenia (2015)
we had a great time. I’ve already told Mr. Novak all the praises about organization. We enjoy in food, sightseeings and Mr. Novak was very kind and he helped us with all the questions. It was our first competition and we are more than satisfied with our results and most important we had a great time.
Thank you for everything.
Best regards
Seoda Chamber Choir, Ireland (2015)
Dear Madam,
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much we, Seoda Chamber Choir, enjoyed the Praga Cantat festival. We thought it was a very well run. We also found the atmosphere very warm and inclusive. We thoroughly enjoyed our weekend in Prague – good singing, good food, good shopping and beautiful weather. I think we also made some new “choral” friends.
Kind regards
Eileen Kelly
Séjas Novada Jauktis Koris „Séja“ , Latvia (2014)
Dear Friends! I would like to thank you for the very well organized competition and days in Prague. Special thanks for our guide Mrs. Eretova, she helped to understand many things 🙂 Once again, thank you for the competition and good luck in future activities.
Best regards,
Madara Bernharda
Séjas Novada Jauktis Koris „Séja“, Latvia
Akademski zbor Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu Concordia discors , Croatia (2014)
I would just like to let you know that we arrived home safely and that we had a great time in Prague, it was phenomenal. We were very well received, our guides were extremely nice and helpful, and we had a stellar time at the competition, grand prix and closing ceremony.
Prague was wonderful and we will always remember it fondly.
Thank you very much for this great experience.
Best regards,
Filip Klubička
Pjevački zbor mladih „Josip Kaplan“ , Croatia (2014)
thank You for Your effort very, very much!!
Best regards,
Marko Peračković
Pjevački zbor mladih „Josip Kaplan“
Vokalna skupina BeleTinke, Slovenia (2014)
We had a really great time in Prague, the organization was great, the city is beautiful (altough we did not see much of it because of our rehersals 🙂 ) and I think all this helped us to sing so well 🙂
Thank you very much for everything!
Best regards
Tjaša Šimonka
Cherkasy Music College Students’ Choir, Ukraine (2013)
Dear Aleksandra and Jana,
Please, accept our heartfelt thanks for our marvelous and wonderful stay in Prague!
The level of the contest is so high and it is organized so professionally that we felt like staying there forever. We are extremely excited and immensely thankful for the inspiring impact on our group exerted by the atmosphere of high art and topmost standards of choir performance.
We are so happy to have had the experience and are ultimately grateful to you for making it possible for us.
With warmest regards,
The members of Cherkasy Music College Students’ Choir
and conductor Natalia Shmaraieva-Gozha
Fermate Vokal, Norway (2013)
Dear Saša,
I just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic event!
Praga Cantat was a great experience for us. We had a wonderful time in Prague, the hotel was great, and I’m really, really impressed by how well the festival was organised.
Also,a big thank you to our guide Eva, who really took good care of us, and to you Saša for all your help.
Best regards,
Fermate Vokal
Komorní smíšený pěvecký sbor ROSA, Czech Republic (2013)
Dobrý den, vážená paní Košlerová,
rád bych Vám tímto poděkoval za skvělou spolupráci a složil poklonu za perfektní organizaci festivalu Praga Cantat – bylo to úžasné!
S úctou a přáním krásného dne
Jindřich Marek
Komorní smíšený pěvecký sbor ROSA
Hello, Mrs. Koslerova,
I would like to thank you for your excellent cooperation and compliment you for the perfect organization of the Praga Cantat festival – it was wonderful!
Sincerely and with best wishes for a wonderful day
Jindřich Marek
ROSA Chamber Mixed Choir
Chor des Neuen Gymnasium Nürnberg, Germany (2013)
Liebe Frau Koslerova,
ich möchte mich nochmal für die tolle Organisation und die wunderbare Zeit in Prag bei Ihnen bedanken. Unser Chor hat unglaubliche musikalische Momente erleben dürfen.
Unser Favorit für den Grand Prix war von Anfang an der österreichischer Chor gewesen und wir freuen uns sehr, dass sie auch gewonnen haben.
Wir hatten das Glück mit diesem Chor im gleichen Hotel zu übernachten und konnten dann noch im Hotel mit Ihnen feiern und Musik machen. Es war sehr schön. Auch die Betreung durch Frau Erika Kavkova war einfach super. Sie ist eine wunderbare Stadtführerin und Betreuerin gewesen. Vielen Dank für Alles.
Liebe Grüße aus Nürnberg
Chor des Neuen Gymnasium Nürnberg
La Chanson du Pays de Gruyére, Riaz, Switzerland (2012)
” BRAVO à vous pour cette organisation parfaite….. Tout s’est déroulé à merveille. L’hôtel était vraiment très bien, confortable et accueillant à souhait! Nous avons marqué les esprits, surtout au bar, où nous avons passé trois soirées tous ensemble à chanter.,,,,,
Le concours était très stressant….mais nous étions heureux et fiers de cette médaille d’argent. Nous avons donné le meilleur de nous-mêmes et l’émotion était là…
La ville maintenant, Prague, tellement magnifique. Même si nous avons visité les quartiers du château sous une neige et un vent qui n’ont cessé de tomber/souffler la journée durant le samedi. Et nous avons pu profiter de l’après-midi libre pour flâner à notre guise dans les rues. Que de beautés. Rien à redire donc. Que du bonheur, une chance incroyable pour nous de pouvoir chanter dans une salle magnifique, d’avoir eu la chance de profiter de passablement de temps libre …1000 mercis encore pour votre merveilleuse collaboration et votre souci du détail…
BRAVO to you for this perfect organisation ….. Everything went perfectly. The hotel was really good, comfortable and welcoming! We made a big impression, especially in the bar, where we spent three evenings all together singing. ,,,,,
The competition was very stressful….but we were happy and proud of the silver medal. We gave our best and the emotion was there…
Prague is so beautiful. Even if we visited the castle quarters under a snow and a wind that kept falling/blowing all day long during Saturday. And we were able to take advantage of the free afternoon to stroll around the streets as we pleased. So many beauties. Nothing to complain about. What happiness, an incredible chance for us to be able to sing in a magnificent hall, to have had the chance to enjoy a lot of free time … 1000 thanks again for your wonderful collaboration and your attention to detail…
Paduan Suara Gita Smala, Surabaya, Indonesia (2012)
Good Morning from Indonesia. We have arrived in Indonesia just this early morning and we are so thankful for the long and sweet journey at Prague. Gita Smala hope that we can participate in another chance of Praga Cantat. Our official wish that you can send us some photos of our performing there. Thank you.
Laras Citra Ayu Gita Smala Youth Choir
Cantus ante omnia, Zagreb, Croatia (2012)
Dear Mrs Košlerova,
thank you for this wonderful event, we had a great time in Prag.
Kind regards, Snežana Ponoš
EMMELEIA CHOIR, Limassol, Cyprus (2010)
Dear Mrs Koslerova, We had a wonderful time in Prague! It was a really great experience to take part in Praga Cantat! The festival and competition was very-very well organised and we are much more than satisfied! Please let us informed about future festivals of Bohemia Ticket.
Thanks again!
My best greeting for the upcoming Christmas time!
Eleni Kyprianou
Canticum, Oslo, Norway (2010)
Hello from Oslo,
We had a fantastic time in Prague. Congratulation on the competition. It was very well organized. The hotel was very nice. Our guide Marie was fantastic. She took really good care of us.
We hope to come back to Prague some day.
Your sincerely,
Mette Bjortomt, Canticum
Paramabira – Binus University Student Choir, Indonesia (2010)
Dear Ms. Andrea, Ms. Jana, Ms. Sasa
Thank you for all your support you have given to us. On behalf of Paramabira – Binus University Student Choir, I want to give my best regards and thank you to all of the committee. Sorry because we have so many requests and changes all the time. We wouldn’t have done it without your guys.
Once again, thank you so much. Don’t forget to give my warmest regards to Ms. Eva our Liaison Officer. She’s a big help for us. Hope we can see each other again next time.
Warmest regards from Indonesia
Capella Juris, Zagreb, Croatia (2010)
Dear Jana!
First of all I want to thank you all for this beautiful event and that you provided us three wonderful days in your magical town! We are all still overwhelmed by our stay in Prague and also honoured that we were a part of your competition. I hope we will meet again!
Best regards from Zagreb